Inspector General's Office

Mission Statement

The Command Inspector General for the Ohio National Guard is an extension of the eyes, ears, voice and conscience of the Adjutant General of Ohio

Goals of the IG System

  • An IG System dedicated to supporting Commanders and serving soldiers through timely, complete, and courageous inquiries, investigations, and inspections.
  • An IG System that develops, teaches, implements, and assesses broad inspection policy supportive of the Army's imperatives.
  • An IG System that continually plans for improving the effectiveness of the IG System in peace, in transition to war, and in wartime.
  • An IG System that constantly focuses its inquiries, investigations, and inspections on solutions to the root causes of problems.
  • An IG System committed to teaching, and to the identification and dissemination of innovative ideas

To complain without fear of reprisal is the right of any Soldier, Civilian or Family Member seeking IG help. After all, problem solving is one of the IG's primary missions.

Contact the IG Office
IG Action Request Form
